Interactive PDF

Interactive PDF

This interactive PDF is a representation of my resume and portfolio of work completed while at Auburn. With a clickable menu at the top of every page, this interactive PDF takes readers through a broken down version of my resume in a creative way. To create this interactive PDF, I purchased a template on GraphicRiver and completed it in Indesign. I chose to create this interactive PDF because it allowed me to expand on the traditional resume sections while also demonstrating my design experience.

When designing my interactive PDF, I decided to include the same pictures from my website because it allowed me to continue a cohesive look to my resume materials. I also included my personal nameplate on my cover page to ensure brand recognition of my materials. Each photo on my portfolio page links to their respective page in my website, allowing readers to gain access to examples of my work. Interactive PDFs are becoming more common in the field of public relations because it gives clients both a printable and digital document of all project materials.

Project Details

Client: Christy Brown
Date: Fall 2016
Skills: Adobe InDesign
Class: Style and Design

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