
My Resume

Auburn University


I will graduate from Auburn University in May 2017 with a bachelor's degree in public relations and a minor in Spanish. My curriculum includes classes focusing on public relations, marketing, journalism and communications. The four years I've spent at Auburn have strengthened my work ethic and prepared me for entering the workplace.

Experience; CMT; OCM; Teak Isle; Auburn


My work with CMT Viacom Networks, Teak Isle Mfg., Auburn's Office of Communications and Marketing and Camp Merri-Mac has given me insight to different public relations approaches. From entertainment PR to in-house communications to manufacturing promotions, my experience has given me avenues to apply my classroom knowledge.

Involvement; UPC; Alpha Gamma Delta


Nothing has influenced my time at Auburn more than my involvement with the University Program Council and my social sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta. Holding leadership roles in both organizations and applying my public relations knowledge to those roles has given me invaluable experiences and forever friendships.



My time at Auburn has equipped me with a full skill set tailored to the world of public relations and communications. My love for writing has given me a high proficiency in Associated Press editing, and I have a strong grasp on design programs such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. I also have experience with content management systems and web building.

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